How is Acupuncture Used for Pain Management?
Acupuncture treatment consists of using very fine needles to stimulate the body to increase circulation and release endorphins, reducing inflammation and inhibiting pain. Acupuncture stimulates natural healing in the body and relaxes muscles. Many patients find they need fewer or no drugs or surgery to cope with pain. As an additional benefit, acupuncture also promotes physical and emotional well-being, enhances immunity, and may cost less than many other pain relief solutions.
Acupuncture is an effective method for relieving chronic pain caused by a variety of conditions and illnesses, including:
- Back and neck pain caused by degenerative discs and whiplash
- Joint pain
- Arthritis
- TMJ/Jaw pain
- Fibromyalgia
- Migraines and other headaches
- Sports injuries
- Endometriosis and menstrual pain
- Postoperative pain
- Malignant pain
Our Approach to Acupuncture Treatment
At Atlantic Medicine & Wellness, we use acupuncture alone or in conjunction with other pain relief treatments. The goal of treatment is to enhance the overall function of the body’s natural inclination to heal and perform at optimal levels. Acupuncture addresses the blocks that interfere with the body’s performance and brings the body back to balance and harmony. We look for the underlying cause of the pain and treat the subtle imbalances that can wreak havoc on the body. Our acupuncturist in NJ can offer relief in as little as two sessions, though some patients find six to ten sessions provide the best results.
Put acupuncture treatment to the test with the help of our Atlantic Medicine & Wellness acupuncturist! Contact us today to learn more about acupuncture for pain management, or call 732-528-5533 to schedule an appointment.